"I Want To Make A Zine Someday"
"I want to make a zine someday." No offense, but why haven't you?
a.k.a. sometimes I hate navigating conversations
a.k.a. please, just make a zine!!!
If you're a zinester, you've probably heard something along the lines of "That's so cool, I've always wanted to try making zines." This zine will validate the inevitable frustration that comes from hearing that statement and not knowing how to respond.
If you're not a zinester, you've proably said something along the lines of "That's so cool, I've always wanted to try making zines." This zine will help you figure out what's holding you back, gtfover yourself and just do it.
Either way, there's something for everyone!
This zine was originally printed as part of Unfair Maiden #5, but due to popular demand (from one person) I've made it a separate zine as well.
8 pages, Color or B&W, 8.5" x 5.5" (half letter).
Everything in the distro is available for trades of all kinds! Please email me to arrange: [email protected]
Digital copies are available for free or donation! Check it out here: https://twentytwozines.itch.io/please-make-a-zine