Drawing Room Tarot: Six of Swords
Drawing Room Tarot is a zine exploring individual tarot cards and their related symbolism. It's also got some perzine stuff as I talk about how it relates to my life. More than a list of keywords (but still accessible for beginners!)
SIX OF SWORDS has stuff about the friendliness of melancholy, necessary hope, moving fantasies, Platonic numerology, tarot structure, carrying burdens, astrology and what the heck "Mercury in Aquarius" means, and much more!
22 pages (plus cover), B&W 4.25" x 7.25"
I love trades! Please email me to arrange: [email protected]
Digital copies are available for free or donation! Check it out here: https://twentytwozines.itch.io/tarot-six-of-swords